Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Actor's Commentary

It's happening tomorrow folks! Josh O'Bryan and I will be recording the Actor's Commentary for "My Dear Ralph". This is the final piece before we can master the DVD. DVDs should be ready just in time for Christmas shopping!

Stay tuned!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Radio Silence

Dear followers,

Some of you are probably wondering what happened to the film - there hasn't been any activity from me on the site for over a month now! I know, it's a shame...

Here's where we are. SAICFF did receive our DVD submission (we got an email stating this) so we're still waiting until Christmas when we'll find out if the film is accepted.

As I said before, Andrew did a great job with the DVD artwork and it's ready to go, however, I'm stuck on a couple of the bonus features. Now that we've brought the film to a finished state, it's hard to get it nudged past the finish line, into the endzone. To mix sports metaphors.

My request to you is that you pray for initiative and energy to finish the bonus features and wrap up the DVD production. I just need to take the time to knock out a couple hours of work and it should be more or less finished - trouble is, there's always other stuff needing to be done (we all know how that is). :)

Speaking of SAICFF, check out this press release from them! This brings the stakes of competition up about 80 yards higher, for sure. SAICFF Short Films Announcement

Thanks all for your support of My Dear Ralph, check back soon for updates, and in the meantime check out production of Beyond the Mask, which Jonathan and Joshua Hedrick are both working on as crew members.